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A Memory of Two Moons
Dialogue for a Dead Day
Hibakusha Twilight
Just Dance
Oedipus the King
Slow Dance for a Fat Man
Tree Whispers

Robert Greenwood Coaching
Dana Luebke Coaching

Speaker's Corner

“How we enjoyed your wonderful Christmas performance…beautiful and warm evening…gorgeous cosutmes and sets…you both are very professional and excellent performers…all experienced a tremendous performance…and people in our community are still talking about it…you were splendid.”
Carolyn Whitaker, CLERMONT COLLEGE, Batavia, OH

“…you captured the flavor and energy of Greek tragedy in the movement, the emotions, the visuals…it’s a remarkable achievement that should be seen by everyone interested in the classics…” Bill Mayer, HUNTER COLLEGE, New York, NY

“In this colorful examination of Norse, Viking and Icelandic legends and stories, {at Western Montana College} Greenwood and Luebke unleashed polished performances in both dance and theatrical forms…painlessly switching from character to character with little more than a turned head or a switched prop.”
Timothy S. Miller, Dillon Tribune,
Dillon, MT

“Your Oedipus was great!
Everyone is still talking about it.”
Dorothy Szefc, Cultural Affairs Coordinator,