Home > Colleges and Universities > Dialogues for a Dead Day

AUDIENCE: Festival, Community, College and University
LENGTH: One-hour, ten minutes, no intermission

DIALOGUES FOR A DEAD DAY: Originally created for the International Year of the Disabled, this production has become a signature piece for Sun.Ergos. Taking the premise that all of us are disabled in some way, the two performers push through the boundaries of the handicapped world to reach the humanity that is common to all of us. This striking production is present in black and white costumes and set, further enhancing the strength of the people who deal with the restrictions of a "normal" world, shifting like the shadows in a Rembrandt etching.

"Dialogues for a Dead Day by Sun.Ergos -- a remarkable pair of artists from Calgary in Canada -- is a powerful series of pieces developing, in a stern but compassionate way, various aspects of the theme of handicapped people…Their interaction is superb…wonderfully vivid and explicit."
The Daily Telegraph, London
